6 Great Walks within 150 kms of Ipswich

By May 14, 2020Uncategorized
White Rock

Now that COVID-19 restrictions are easing and day trips are allowed within 150kms – why not take this opportunity

Image of a wooden walking track through bushland

Photo: City of Ipswich

to venture past your front door and see some of the beautiful bushwalking trails with 150kms of Ipswich. As there as so many options, we’ve compiled six of them for you to make the most of this long weekend!



White Rock Spring Mountain



If you’re not ready to travel too far away from home, White Rock Spring Mountain is a great local walking trail right in Ipswich. It consists of roughly a 6km round trip and is a suitable level for beginners. A perfect way to spend the public holiday with the whole family! With only a quick 25 minute drive from the city centre you don’t have to dedicate a whole day to this, but still get a chance to get back to nature.

Table Top Mountain Reserve

A little further away in Toowoomba for a more intermediate walk is Table Top Mountain Reserve. At the base of the Great Dividing Range is Table Top Mountain and you can reach it from Picnic Point Park. This walk will take you about an hour and a half all up and has walking and climbing elements to the trail. However, the effort you put in is worth it for the 360-degree views of the Lockyer Valley and Toowoomba regions. This trail is about an hour and 15 minutes away from Ipswich so perfect for a day trip, with plenty of local cafes now open for business for lunch.

Ravensbourne National Park

Another destination only an hour and a half out of Ipswich is Ravensbourne National Park, which boasts not just one

Landscape image of a rockface behind trees

Photo: Brett Roberts © Queensland Government

trail, but four gorgeous trails all with varying degrees of difficultly. With clearly marked signage, these tracks can take up to 15 minutes to 2 hours to complete through lush rainforests. This trail is more remote so it is advised to bring plenty of clean drinking water and a packed lunch.



Ironbark Track in Beaudesert

Originally an old lumber road turned walking trail, the Ironbark Track on the edge of Spring Mountain Forest Park is a quick 45-minute drive east of Ipswich. This trail is for beginners to intermediate level bushwalkers and will take you about two hours to complete the 6km round trip. There are a few hills involved to test your cardio fitness so make sure you take your water bottle and wear supportive footwear.


Lamington National Park

Three bushwalkers crossing a creek in a rainforest

Photo: Lightcapturer, Queensland Government

Another national park on the list, Lamington National Park is featured as it’s filled with tracks and trails for all ages and fitness levels, as well as the beautiful rainforest flora and fauna residing in the Gold Coast Hinterlands.  With over 15 different trails to choose from, there’s bound to be one that suits you. Lamington National Park is furthest away, taking nearly two hours to get there, however, the views and scenery will more than make up for the travel. As it’s quite remote we recommend you go prepared with plenty of clean drinking water, and some lunch packed as this trip will take up most of the day.


Fit4Life Running Groups

And if bushwalking really isn’t your thing but you still want to get out and about and exercise in the community, then why not join one of our Fit4Life runs in the park – the are restarting in the park on Monday the 18th of May! It’s a great opportunity for some social social-distancing while still getting in your daily exercise. Make sure to book as there is a maximum of 9 participants allowed to still adhere to government restrictions. Register now through this link so you don’t miss out!

Any great walks we missed? Let us know in the comments!


Hero image courtesy of Discover Ipswich

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