Getting fit and having fun has never been easier for this couple

By January 30, 2020Uncategorized
Megan and Robert taking a boxercise class

Meet Meagan and Robert, they’ve been married for almost a lifetime and have been coming along to Fit4Life for the last two years and absolutely love it – we say it’s the secret to their happy marriage.

Meagan says her favorite class is Boxercise, “I love to beat Robert up, I get to smack him around a little bit” she giggled,

“It makes a good laugh, it’s a lot of fun and a good mix between that fun and a great, sweaty workout”.

Meagan’s friend first introduced her Fit4Life and told her how good the classes and instructors were and giving them a go was a must.

“I didn’t want to get into a big gym, it’s a bit daunting,

 “I just wanted to be a little fitter and a little stronger, while having fun, so I gave Fit4Life a go”

Shortly afterward, Meagan was hooked and started going to more and more classes every week and eventually bought Robert along.

Now the two of them are regular fitness partners in crime, coming to four classes a week – apart from the few weeks they take off a year to travel the world.

“Now that Robert comes, we get to work together, it’s fun for both of us.

“We go to Low Impact, Boxercise, Full-Body Fitness, and Pilates – although Robert detests it, it can be hard”, she said.

“Keeping fit is important to us, especially as we get older and our joints start to go, it’s important to have a little bit of fitness and flexibility at least”

Since joining Fit4Life, the pair of them feeling stronger, fitter and more comfortable in their own skin.

“We love the trainers, that’s one of the reasons why we keep coming back”

“Coming to classes pushes me to do better.

“The trainers push you to go hard and go up a level, I love the personal touch.

“It’s not just about fitness and getting sweaty, there’s a social side of it as well.

“We’ve made some new friends and you get to know your community a little more too,” she said.

For anyone considering giving Fit4Life a try, Meagan says to “just do it, get out there and give it a go, it’s lots of fun!

For more information about Fit4Life, visit


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