This program offers flexible commitment as the events are spread throughout the year and you can commit to as little or as much as you would like. Commitment can involve weekday or weekend events. Shifts can range from 2 hours and up to 8 hours depending on the event.

Some of our projects include:

Staffing the museum during open days, and showing groups through the museum.

Cataloguing objects from the museum collection.

Researching and documenting the history of objects from the museum collection.

Photographing objects and scanning photos.

Preparing and arranging new displays.

Caring for objects in the museum collection, including photos, textiles, medical instruments and more.

Steps to become a museum volunteer

  1. Apply
    Simply complete the online application form or contact our Volunteer Coordinator on 3466 5004 or and one can be sent to you.
  2. Interview
    A suitable time will be arranged for us to get to you know you at our office. You will need to bring 100 Points of ID with you. You will be required to sign authorisation paperwork for us to complete a Criminal History Check and obtain a Blue Card on your behalf (if you do not already have one). See below for further details.
  3. Reference Check
    We will contact the people that you have nominated as referees via phone. As a courtesy please advise them that we will be in contact with them.
  4. Vaccinations
    The vaccine preventable diseases evidence certification form will be provided to you at your interview. Volunteers are required to be vaccinated for the vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) of measles, mumps,
    rubella, varicella and pertussis.This form will need to be completed by your medical practitioner and be provided to us prior to commencing volunteering.
  5. Blue Card / Criminal History Check
    All volunteers will be required to hold a current Blue Card. If you have a current card, please bring it along to your interview, otherwise we will be apply for one on your behalf (at no cost to you). All volunteers are also required to have a positive criminal history check (at no cost to you). If all of the above checks are satisfactory, you will be advised and a time will be arranged to meet with the Volunteer Coordinator to undertake your Induction.
  6. Ipswich Hospital Foundation Induction
    Here you will complete any remaining paperwork (including a Volunteer Agreement and Position description) and be given your Orientation Manual and Volunteers Handbook. You will also receive a shirt, scarf (for ladies), name badge and ID will be arranged for you.
  7. WMHS Orientation
    All Volunteers at the hospital will be required to attend a compulsory 3 hour Orientation Training at the Ipswich Hospital. These are held monthly, and you will be required to attend the next available session.
  8. WMHS online training / general evacuation training
    All Volunteers at the hospital will be required to undertake online training (which can be done at the office or at home) and also attend General Evacuation Training at the hospital.
  9. Start Volunteering
    Once the above steps have been satisfied the Volunteer Coordinator will arrange a start date with you based on your availability for rosters.

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